Why School Pathways: Unmatched Experience in Virtual, Hybrid, and Independent Study Solutions

Guides & Whitepapers

Parents visiting with child at school and meeting with teacher

5 Steps to Success for Family-Friendly School Enrollment

Learn effective strategies to keep families informed and empowered at five key enrollment touchpoints in this infographic.

Aerial view of a group of people working together in a collaborative setting

CALPADS EOY Checklist: A Step-by-Step Guide

Simplify your CALPADS End-of-Year tasks and reduce submission stress. Download our free EOY checklist for educators today.

Male student at home on the laptop working with female instructor

An Educator’s Journey to Effective Independent Study Program Management

Learn how schools navigate the reality of IS in this infographic—crafted to guide and empower educators in each stage of a successful IS program.

Teacher with young student doing work in a classroom

The Blueprint to Charter School Success: Strategies and Insights

Get the roadmap to help build thriving charter school programs, ensuring every student’s journey is a pathway to success.

educator teaching a virtual class

Embracing Virtual Learning: How School Leaders Can Leverage Technology to Revolutionize Education

Download this whitepaper to learn how to achieve long-term virtual learning benefits with a flexible and adaptive approach using essential technologies.

Male school teacher teaching students with laptop

The Educator’s School Survival Guide

Create a supportive and healthy learning environment that lasts when times get tough. Get our newest guide to explore tips and resources.

teacher working on her laptop writing in notebook

Grading Your Current Student Information System

Is your Student Information System (SIS) maximizing its potential? Get the checklist to score your SIS.

Female teacher with glasses working on her laptop

The Comprehensive Guide to Meeting CALPADS Requirements

Let this guide be your comprehensive resource for navigating CALPADS requirements with confidence. Download the ebook today.

A teacher holding an ipad stands on the left-hand side of a classroom addressing a group of middle school students. The students are turned away from from the viewer as the listen to the teacher.

The Complete Guide to Independent Study & Virtual Learning Essentials

With advice from expert California educators, get the guide to help create or update your own Independent Study, virtual, or hybrid program.

ROI of Enterprise Software for Independent Study Programs

Enterprise Software for Independent Study Program Growth & Success Report

Read the full report for a breakdown of time and cost savings—including actual data and testimonials—you can expect to gain from utilizing PLS.

Success Stories

Case Study: Golden Charter Academy

Charter School Triumph: How Golden Charter Academy Streamlined Operations with School Pathways’ SIS Starting and operating a brand new charter […]

Case Study: Visions In Education

Northern CA’s Leading Provider of Independent Study Partners with School Pathways to Scale Personalized, Online Education The educators at Visions […]

Case Study: California Pacific Charter Schools

CalPac Charter Pioneers Virtual Instruction, Delivers Improved Student Outcomes, is a Top Choice for Families Christine Feher is an Executive […]

News and Announcements

Five Keys Charter School Launches School Pathways’ SIS+ Suite to Simplify Processes and Support Student Success

Five Keys Charter School has implemented School Pathways’ Online Registration platform, Student Information System (SIS), and Personalized Learning System (PLS) as its new integrated education solution.

School Pathways Launches Two-Way Integration with Zoom Meetings

School Pathways has created a two-way product integration with Zoom Video Communications, Inc. This new feature will help educators track synchronous instruction and live interaction in virtual and hybrid classrooms

School Pathways Announces Two-Way Integration with Google for Education

School Pathways announced today that in partnership with Google for Education, has completed a two-way product integration with Google Classroom.

Parkview School Selects School Pathways to Administer its Rapidly Growing Independent Study Program

Parkview School, a TK-12 alternative school serving Independent Study (IS) students at Placenta-Yorba Linda Unified in Orange County, California, selected School Pathways as the platform to manage their IS program following significant growth and a need for a personalized learning system.

School Pathways Names Oliver Wreford as CEO

Press Release – California-based company School Pathways names new K-12 executive Oliver Wreford, an edtech veteran, as CEO following acquisition by Banyan Software.

Banyan Software Announces Acquisition of School Pathways

Atlanta-based Banyan Software, Inc., a company focused on acquiring, building and growing great enterprise software businesses, is pleased to announce the acquisition of School Pathways LLC.


How Educators Can Help Families Make the Right School Choice

Choosing the right school for a child is one of the most important decisions families will make. District schools offer […]

Best Practices for Managing Master Agreements in Independent Study

Evolving technological landscapes, changing philosophies on individualized learning, and enduring consequences of pandemic-era policies have led to a growing demand […]

Measuring Student Engagement: The Key Metrics for Virtual Learning Success

Encouraging engagement produces incredible results in the lives of the students. According to the Online Learning Consortium, high student engagement […]

5 Quick Tips for Your Independent Study Audit

Many details go into audits for California Independent Study programs, and it’s important to ensure you’re aligned with your individual […]

Support Education Engagement With 5 Research-Backed Ways to Reduce Student Absenteeism

The rise of chronic student absenteeism has been an dramatic trend over the past few years. According to the most […]

Strategies for Boosting Student Engagement in Hybrid and Virtual Learning Environments

According to the Research Institute of America, e-learning can help students retain between 25%-60% more information. More and more schools […]

I am the Assistant Director of a small, Independent Study Charter School….For years, my largest frustration was the lack of attention from our technology vendors. When I call School Pathways, they answer the phone and say “Hi Russell.” I know the person answering the phone, and that person can often help within moments. If not, they put me momentarily on hold to see if the person that CAN help me is available, and often they are.

– Russell Brown

– Assistant Director, Choices Charter School

Find Out More About Our Solutions

To find out more about our solutions, our support or services, or to get a demo, contact us.

Hybrid and Distance Learning

Discover products built to help educators create great learning experiences in hybrid and distance learning environments.

Personalized Learning

Discover an LMS-agnostic toolset and product built specifically for implementing personalized learning in online, hybrid, and on-site environments.

Contact Us

To find out more about School Pathways, our products, our solutions, or to get a demo, contact us today to speak with a team member.