School Pathways Vendor Partners

Keep your systems connected.

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50+ Integrations Available

Our integrations span LMSs, assessment systems, communications, other SISs, and more.

Work With the Tools That Best Meet Your Needs

With over 50 integrations with different edtech apps and software, benefit from the freedom to choose and use what you need while integrating with School Pathways.

Move and sync data among systems, including Google Apps, NWEA, Parent Square, and School Messenger.

Benefit from an Open Ecosystem

Our approach to integrations and APIs is one of an open ecosystem rather than a walled garden. We appreciate that administration, communication, and instruction happens across a breadth of technologies, and that it’s critical that we integrate with others.

Move and share data in a safe and secure manner to support a better learning experience. Ask us for additional information on who we integrate with and how!

school pathways integrations open api

Benefit from a Connected Ecosystem

We’ve built a lot of integrations across SIS, communication, collaboration, assessment, and LMS tools.

Highlighted Integrations Available

school pathways integrations edgenuity
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identimetrics logo
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Find Out More About School Pathways Integrations

To find out more about our solutions, our support or services, or to get a demo, contact us.

School Pathways Integrations online curriculum


Access Integrated Online Curriculum

In addition to non-academic integrations, School Pathways also offers integrated online curriculum from 30+ content publishers. Empower teachers and educators with access to over 7,500 pre-built lesson plans so they can create, customize, and assign lessons in minutes.

Why School Pathways

Discover why schools love us, what sets us apart from other providers, and our unique history and focus on personalized learning.

Personalized Learning System

Discover an LMS-agnostic toolset and product built specifically for implementing personalized learning in online, hybrid, and on-site environments.

Contact Us

To find out more about School Pathways, our products, our solutions, or to get a demo, contact us today to speak with a team member.