This is an old revision of the document!

I. Set/Define School Tracks

Note: If you are only using one calendar for your entire school, you do no have to change anything in this section.
If you want to add a new track:

  • Step 1. Go to Admin>Settings>School Calendars
  • Step 2. Click Add New Track

    If you want to hide the new track from new registrations, click the box.

  • Step 3. Click save changes.

II. Set School Calendar for a School Year

  • Step 1. Click on the Calendar days tab at the top
    -Choose the new school year and correct track you wish to add calendar dates for then click Set Year Details button.

  • Step 2. Enter the dates for the first and last day of school

    -Entering P1, P2, oar YE dates are not necessary at this time and should not be set
    -Click Save Above Details
  • Step 3. Click “Define Dates”
    -You will now add a check to every box to turn the box blue
    -Or you can go to the bottom of the page and click the “Set all unchecked days to Normal Schoolday” check box. This will auto-fill all days to normal school days

    -Click inside a blue box to change color to code for different categories (Holidays, Emergency days, ACA days, etc.)
  • Step 4. At the bottom of the page click Set this calendar to Active
    Note: You will get an error message if you have less than 175 days in your calendar
  • Step 5. Click Save

III. Set Schoolwide Learning Periods

  • Step 1. Click Set Schoolwide Learning Periods
    -In the drop down, select the school year and track you want to set Learning Periods for and click next.
    -You will see boxes to start entering your beginning and ending dates for each Learning Periods.
    -As you enter the dates, they will change to another color on the calendar on the right.
    Note: If you skip dates, you will see a red alert above the Save above Learning Periods button. In addition, you will not be able to save your LPs if you are missing a school day

  • Step 2. Enter dates by clicking on the calendar icon or by entering in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy

  • Step 3. Click Save Above Learning Periods

IV. Set Reporting Periods

  • Step 1. Click Reporting Periods at the top of the page.
  • Step 2. Choose the school year and track you want to work in and click edit.
  • Step 3. Click on the first and last day of the first reporting period.

    -On the right side-lower box you will see “Adding a New Reporting Period”
    -Most common answers are SEMESTER, TRIMESTER, SESSION, or QUARTER
    -Click Confirm to save your choice. You will see what you saved in the above box.
    -Continue this process to set all reporting periods

V. Set Bell Periods (Optional)

  • Step 1. Click on Bell Periods tab at the top of the page
  • Step 2. Choose the school year you want to create bell periods for and then click update
  • Step 3. Click the Edit Bell Periods link to name your bell periods

    -Click the green plus button. This will create an empty field where you can enter the name of the bell period.
    -Continue this process until you have all the desired periods. Click save.
  • Step 4. Click Add Bell Schedule
  • Step 5. Enter the times for each bell period and name the schedule.
    -You can move the periods around by clicking on the green arrows to the left of the period names.
  • Step 6. Click Save when done adjusting the schedule.

Last Updated by Max Williams on 2016/03/07 22:52

  • plsis/calendars.1478300918.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2016/11/04 23:08
  • by max