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Updated 9/20/2013 Page 1 Setting School Calendars Administration»Settings»School Calendars 1. Set/Define School Tracks. If just using A track (one calendar for your entire school), you do not have to change anything. 2. Set School Calendar for a School Year  Click on the 'Calendar Days' tab at the top (gray tab). Choose the new school year and correct track you wish to add calendar dates for then click the Set Year Details button.  Enter dates for the first and last day of school. Entering P1, P2, or YE dates are not necessary at this time and should not be set. Click “Save Above Details.”  Click “Define Dates”  You will now add a check to every box to turn the box blue OR you can go to the bottom of the page and click the “Set all unchecked days to Normal schoolday” check box. This will auto-fill all days to normal school days.  Then click in the blue box once for holidays such as Labor Day so it shows green. If you have days that are set as in-service days that you count in your calendar, click the check box until it shows brown. If you end up having Emergency Days, you can come back and click the date box until it shows in red to mark the day as an emergency day in the calendar.  At the bottom of the page, click “Set this calendar to Active.” The program will give you an error message if you have less than 175 days. Click SAVE. Generated by Foxit PDF Creator © Foxit Software For evaluation only. Updated 9/20/2013 Page 2

3. Set Schoolwide Learning Periods  Click on the “Update Learning Periods” button.  You will see boxes to start entering your beginning and ending dates for each Learning Period (attendance period). As you enter the dates, they will turn another color on the calendar to the right. If you skip dates, you will see a red alert above the Save above Learning Periods button. In addition you will not be able to save your LPs if you are missing a school day.  Enter dates by clicking on the calendar icon or by entering is the following format: 09/04/2013.  When all dates have been entered, click on the 'Save Above Learning Periods' button to save. Generated by Foxit PDF Creator © Foxit Software For evaluation only. Updated 9/20/2013 Page 3

4. Set Reporting Periods  Click on the “Reporting Periods” tab at the top of the page.  Choose the school year you want to work in and click EDIT.  Click on the first day of the first reporting period and the last of the first reporting  period (first and last day of semester?).  On the right side – lower box – you will see “Adding New Reporting Period”. When you are creating Learning Center Report Cards that will go into ReportWriter, the program needs to know the time frame of your reporting periods. Most usual answers are SEMESTER, TRIMESTER, SESSION, or QUARTER.  Click CONFIRM to save your choice. You will see what you saved in the above box.  Continue this process to set all reporting periods (second semester?). Generated by Foxit PDF Creator © Foxit Software For evaluation only. Updated 9/20/2013 Page 4

5. Set Bell Periods (Optional)  Click on the “Bell Periods” tab at the page.  Choose the school year you wish to enter bell periods for and then click Update.  To name your bell periods click the Edit Bell Periods link.  Click the “ Add bell period” link at the top of the page. This will add an empty text box, enter the name of the bell period. Continue this process until all desired bell periods have been named. Click the Save button.  Click the “ Add Bell Schedule “ link to enter the times for each bell period. Enter the schedule name at the top of the page. Then add in the times for each bell period. You can move the periods around in the schedule by clicking on the . When the schedule is complete, click the Save button.

Generated by Foxit PDF Creator © Foxit Software For evaluation only.

  • plsis/calendars.1457035052.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2016/03/03 19:57
  • by max