This is an old revision of the document!

I. View/Create a Report Card for One Student

  • Step 1. Go to your roster
  • Step 2. Choose the reporting period you want to work in.
  • Step 3. Open the folder of the student you want to work with.
  • Step 4. Click Reports
  • Step 5. Click Report Card.

Note: If one of the classes the student is enrolled in is not showing on the report card, you must check the Edit class page for that class on the roster and unclick the Hide From Report Card option.

  • Step 6. If your student is in High School, they will probably be earning credit for their courses. Presets will show in the credits attempted column. If you are using the grade book, the computed grades will show in the Calc Grade Column. You can override credits attempted or grades calculated by typing in the appropriate override box.
  • Step 7. Decide if the class should be hidden from the printed report card or not.
  • Step 8. Add any comments you want to the Report card.
  • Step 9. When finished with the report card, click the Finalize/unfinalize check box.

Note: This allows the report card to be imported into transcripts by the office. It also allows data to be imported to CALPADS reporting. If a change needs to be made to a finalized report card, the finalization must be unchecked, data changed, and resaved.

  • Step 10. Click Save.

Note: You can only print report cards that have been finalized.

II. View/Create Report Cards for All Students on your Roster

  • Step 1. Go to Teachers>PLS/RW Oversight>PLS Review Report Cards
  • Step 2. Choose your settings then click Update Student List. This will generate a list of students.
  • Step 3. Choose the students you want to work with (you can click Select All to choose all students in the list).
  • Step 4. Click Review Report Cards. You will see all the students' report cards. Here you can work on all those report cards at once.

Note: Save often. This will prevent any work from being lost.

  • Step 5. In order to print, all report cards must be finalized. Click the Finalize/Unfinalize box.

III. Two Report Cards for One Student in the Same Semester

Student enrolls in the school at the beginning of the school year, stays for 2 LPs, and dis-enrolls at the end of LP 2. They completed work and earned some credit.
Assignments were made and graded for LP For the report card, grades are coming over from the grade book.
The teacher needs to work on this report card and finalize it.
The office will import the report card to the transcript and the student is ready to move on.
Then the student decides that your program is the best for them and they re-enroll in your school in the middle of LP 4.

  • Step 1. Open the student's report card. It should already be finalized, but because you will be adding to it, you will unfinalize it and save.
  • Step 2. Return to your roster.
  • Step 3. Open the student's folder.
  • Step 4. You will keep the classes the student was in previously. If you do not want them on the report card, you will edit each class and check the Hide from Report Card. (If you want the class removed from the MA as well, uncheck the box that says Show on Master Agreements.)
  • Step 5. Edit each course you will be assigning from to reflect the correct number of units the student will attempt, the correct teacher (that would be you, do not enter an end date for yourself), and the end of the previous teacher’s association with the course by entering an end date for them.
  • Step 6. Add any new classes you want the student to take. Notice the start date will automatically be set to the student’s new enrollment date.
  • Step 7. Create the student’s new Master Agreement.
  • Step 8.Start assigning work for the LP of the new enrollment date
  • Step 9. At the end of the semester, unfinalize the report card, enter grades, finalize and save.
  • pls/reportcards.1459461311.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2016/03/31 21:55
  • by alexandria