Attach an Existing Zoom Meeting to Synchronous Instruction

  1. If a Zoom meeting is attached to a synchronous instruction, only the account that made or owns the Zoom meeting may edit that synchronous instruction. There are no administrative features available to edit other user’s Zoom meetings.
  2. There is limited functionality for specially updating a Zoom meeting in this interface. If you need to make edits specifically to the Zoom meeting, then do so on the official Zoom website. If necessary additional options/features may be added at School Pathways discretion.

Select the “Use Existing Meeting” button.

When selected the popover will be updated to display a list of Zoom meetings not already known by the SIS. Select the desired meeting to use and you will be returned to the previous form.

If you wish to go back to the previous form without canceling the new instruction, click the “Hide” button.

Search Page for students to invite to the meeting

Each Student you invite to the meeting will receive a Zoom invite via E-Mail

Note: The email is not sent out by School Pathways. When a student is selected for a synchronous instruction they are registered for the Zoom Meeting and will receive an email from Zoom indicating that they have been registered for a meeting and will be provided instructions on how to join said meeting and when it takes place.

Teachers > PLS/RW Reports > Reports

Fill in the desired Filter Options to pull up the report on who attended the Zoom Class

  • integrations/zoom/attach.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/08/25 20:22
  • by davidc