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Fall 2: Creating a Deletion Extract from CALPADS ODS Extract

The purpose of this manual is to assist in removing Course Section Enrollments and Students Course Section Enrollment records from the state system. This is a work around due to the CALPADS known issues;

  • #2899-CRSE file is not overwriting Course Section data correctly and
  • #2879-SCSE file is not overwriting Student Course Section data correctly.

The most common error the defects are causing is the SCSE0139-Student Course Section record must have a corresponding Course Section record. To complete this work around you must pull CRSE and SCSE records from the CALPADS ODS.

  1. Log into CALPADS
  2. Go under Reports Extracts

  3. Under Request CALPADS Files click on ODS Extracts

  4. Select Course Section Enrollment ODS Download, then click Request File. After File has been requested click Return to Request Extract Files.

  5. Go to Retrieve CALPADS Files, click on ODS Extracts.

  6. Select & Download Course Section Enrollment ODS Download. Click Apply Filter

  7. File will show below after selection the Extract Type. Download & Save.

  • REPEAT Steps Above to Pull a Student Course Section Enrollment ODS Download

Below are the steps for converting an ODS file into a Deletion file. When the file is pulled from CALPADS there are some extra fields at the end of each line that need to be stripped away and the deletion indicator needs to be entered. The easiest way to this is through a “find-and-replace” on the txt file.


Here is a sample line of a CRSE file.

  1. To turn the file into a deletion file
    • Find - CRSE-R^^^
    • Replace with - CRSE^D^^
  2. Stripping away extra fields at the end of each line. (When you have completed this task you should see no years at the end of each line).
    • Example 1:
      • Find - Y^^^^N^20170209^20170209
      • Replace with - Y^^^^
      • Find - N^^^^N^20170209^20170209
      • Replace with - N^^^^
    • Example 2:
      • Find - Y^^^^A^20170209^20170209
      • Replace with - Y^^^^A
      • Find - N^^^^A^20170209^20170209
      • Replace with - N^^^^A
        The two examples above may appear differently on your extract with different letters possibly G or B. Either way the line needs to be stripped back to the letter.
    • Example 3:
      • Find - Y^^^2^^20170209^20170209
      • Replace with - Y^^^2^
      • Find - N^^^2^^20170209^20170209
      • Replace with - N^^^2^


Here is a sample line of a SCSE file.

  1. To turn the file into a deletion extract
    • Find - SCSE-R^^^
    • Replace with - SCSE^D^^
  2. Stripping away extra fields at the end of each line. (When you have completed this task you should see no years at the end of each line)
    • Find - S1^^^^^^20170209^20170209
    • Replace with - S1
    • Find - S1^^^^C^^20170209^20170209
    • Replace with - S1^^^^C

To delete the records from CALPADS the Student Course Section Enrollments MUST be deleted before the Course Section Enrollment Records. Please make sure to load your SCSE deletion file FIRST then load the CRSE deletion file.

  • state_reporting/create_deletion_extract.1487116349.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/02/14 23:52
  • by max