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Staff: Support Staff Oversight Setup

There is now an updated method of tracking staff positions and staff that oversee other staff. With this update, searching for staff members that “belong to me” becomes easier too.

  1. Go to any staff member’s dashboard and click on the Job Class/Assignments tab.

  2. Click to Edit Position Titles

  3. If you don't have any Position Titles or want to add new, click the Add Staff Position Title link.

    If you used staff titles in the deprecated version of the employment tab, you will get a list of the titles you've used in the list (as shown above).
    1. Add the Position Title
    2. Who the supervisor of the position is
    3. If it should be hidden from view for future use
    4. Check if the position can be assigned to a student. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT FOR LATER USE!
  4. If you have job titles you do not want to use anymore, you can EDIT and then DELETE them. If a deleted title has staff members “attached” it will ask you what Position Title you want to move them to.

  1. Go to any staff member’s dashboard and click on the Job Class/Assignments tab.

  2. Click to Add a new job classification or edit the current one.
  3. The “job Classification” and FTE % as well as the non-classroom-based assignments (if not a teacher) are VERY important to CALPADS. These must be completed even if you don’t set up position titles for your staff.

  4. You can add more than one position title. You may have a staff member that is a part-time teacher and a part-time administrator. Add both positions if so with the proper percentage of FTE. The FTE for multiple positions can only add up to 100% or CALPADS will give you an error. If you have more than 100% FTE, you may also want to exclude one from reporting to CALPADS.
  5. Once all position titles are set, you will be able to search by position title on the Staff List.

and see the titles listed on the staff list.

  1. For any student, go to the Support Staff tab. Click the Add new support staff.

*Note: This is NOT for primary teachers or homeroom teachers. Primary and homeroom teachers are still assigned in their respective areas. An example of who might be assigned as a Support Staff is a lead teacher.
Position titles of EL Coordinator, 504 Coordinator, 504 Case Manager, Nurse, SPED SAI Provider, Speech Therapist, Case Manager, Occupational Therapist, SPED Administrator, School Counselor (only available in Counseling tab soon), and Psychologist (only available in Counseling tab soon), are set in Special Accommodations tab only. These positions will be reflected in the Support Staff page soon.

If a staff member is set up to oversee multiple teachers, when they log into the system and go to the PLS roster, they will now only see the teachers (and therefore the rosters) of the students their teaching staff oversee. If Mr. Smith oversees 10 teachers, when he goes to the PLS Student Roster, he will only see his 10 teachers in the drop-down of staff. Permissions like this will have to be done for each individual school as each school might use this differently. For example, at my school we have Regional Administrators.

  • plsis/support_staff_oversight_setup.1496679638.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/06/05 16:20
  • by max