This is an old revision of the document!

I. Taking Attendance for the Entire LP

Attendance in the PLS is primarily taken for Independent Study. Ed Code states that IS attendance cannot be taken until on or after the last day of the learning period. This is the default policy in the SIS. (To take attendance daily, see II. Taking Attendance Daily)
Method 1: Note: This method will claim attendance for all students on your roster.

  • Step 1. Go to your roster. (Teachers>PLS/Student Roster)
  • Step 2. On or after the last day of the LP, click on the Att icon for the correct LP.
    -All attendance days in the LP are represented.
    -Using the term “Claim” means the attendance was saved. You will know when attendance has not be saved when there is a white border around the colored boxes.
  • Step 3. Click the colored boxes to change them to absent claims, continue clicking to cycle back to present. Continue until your claims are correct for each box.
  • Step 4. Click Save.
    -Once the claim has been saved, color will flood the entire box.
  • Step 5. Click Print Form when you are sure that everything is correct.

Note: Clicking Print will lock this attendance from future changes! To make changes after clicking Print you will have to contact the office to request an authorization code.

  • Step 6. Sign and Date the printed copy and submit it to your office.

Note: You can also claim attendance for individual students by expanding their folder, clicking Reports, and clicking the Att icon for the correct LP in the box on the right.

II. Taking Attendance Daily

Note: You must change a policy in the SIS for this function to be available. To change the policy:

  • Step 1. Go to Admin>Settings>Policies
  • Step 2. Click on the Show box for Attendance.
  • Step 3. Find the Policy “Allow ATTENDANCE to be taken in the FUTURE?” and click Skip Checks.
  • Step 4. Click Set Preferences.

To take attendance daily for all students on your roster:

  • Step 1. Go to your roster
  • Step 2. Click on the Att icon for the current LP(if you hover over the LP Att icon, you will see the date range).
  • Step 3. Each day of attendance for the LP is represented on the page. Teachers should only take attendance for days current or past. Only days that are not in the future will be pre-filled with default attendance codes.

Note: In the example, 5/02 is available for claiming attendance, and 5/03 is not. You can tell if that attendance has been claimed by whether or not there is a white border around the box. The attendance in the example image has not been claimed or saved.

  • Step 4. Click on the boxes for the day you are claiming to change the default code from present, tardy, absent, etx. Keep clicking to cycle back to present.
  • Step 5. Click save to save the claim.

Note: This page will update to a synopsis of the claim. DO NOT CLICK PRINT!! Printing will lock the entire LP's attendance. You will have to call for an authorization code every time you want to make a change. Wait until the last day of the LP to print the form.

  • Step 6. Click back.

Note: You can also claim daily attendance for individual students by expanding their folder on the student roster, clicking Reports, and selecting the correct LP Att icon.

  • pls/attendance_in_the_pls.1459278910.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2016/03/29 19:15
  • by alexandria