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CMS-View/Change enrollment

This manual is Under Review. It may be moved, combined with another manual, or removed entirely without notice.

  • Step 1. Go to students’ dashboard. You may get there by going:
    • To your student roster and clicking on that students name
    • OR search for the student under ADMIN»Student Info»Find/Add Student and click on the students name
  • Step 2. Click the classes tab at the top of the dashboard
    If the student was enrolled in this class erroneously, click to the left of the class name and then type in CONFIRM in the text field. This is to verify that you are aware by deleting this registration it will delete ALL association with the class. All enrollment records, assignments, grades, report cards and attendance will be deleted also.
  • Step 3. If you want to ALSO delete all empty information from the attached Gradebooks please type CONFIRM GRADEBOOKS in the box
  • Step 4. Click on the pencil for the class you want to edit
  • Step 5. If the student was in the class correctly but has left the class or program,
    1. Click the pencil to the left of the class title
    2. Choose the reason why the student left the class under the field “Reg Status”
    3. Enter the “exit date”
    4. Click on the Update button
  • Step 6. If the student is withdrawing from one class and enrolling in a different class
    1. Withdraw the student following the directions in Step 5
    2. Choose the learning center and registration window for the class
    3. Find the new class you want to enroll the student in
    4. Enter a check in the box to the left of the class name
    5. If the student started in this class in the middle of the school year, enter the date the student enrolled in the “enter date” field
  • cms/change_class_registration.1485372487.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/01/25 19:28
  • by max