Admin»Student Info.» Find/Add Student
The feature can be used to search for a student already in your system. If the student has not already been entered, you are set to enter a new student!
Helpful Hints
Same address button can be clicked to fill in the Mailing Address fields if it is the same as the Physical Address
Fields that are not initially required may be helpful in creating reports at a later date, but can be filled in at your schools discretion
Pre-Enrollment area is used for a student that has the enrollment process started but not all required paperwork is in the system. If you do not want the student to be actively enrolled yet, be sure to click on the Inactive button at the bottom of the page.
Step 4. Complete all necessary fields and then move on to the next registration tab. (You can use Ctrl + J to switch tabs using your keyboard)
Step 5. Add family information- choose to add a parent/guardian
Step 6. Use the following page to search for an existing parent record OR click add New Parent Record
Step 7. The basics student information comes over. Enter the parent name, gender, relationship and contact information. Click SAVE Parent INFO. You will click Return to Student to back to the student registration page. Click on the “Lives With” button to set this name and address for future mailers.
Repeat this process to add additional parent/guardians.
Step 8. Parent Education Level-this field is required for BOTH parent/guardian 1 and 2. If this information was not provided by the family, choose “Declined to State.”
Step 9. Language Survey – choose the language provided by the family for each field. If all options are English click the “SET ALL VALUES TO ENGLISH” to mass fill these fields
In the teacher “district info” page (edit Information from Staff Dashboard) you can enter the teacher case load, preferred grade level, preferred zip codes, and any specialized notes.
When you set the enrollment for a student, your choices will be available from information previously entered.