Local Benchmarks Assessments

The SIS supports schools in setting up and tracking their own Local Benchmarks which can then be prominently displayed on the Student Dashboard, along with other Test Scores.

A. SET-UP (Admin > Test Module > Benchmark Settings)

  1. Additional Score/Results drop-down options
    • Add additional score options, if needed
  2. Add/Edit Subtest Options
    • If there is an option you do not want to show, remove the check mark

B. ENTER BENCHMARK SCORES (Teacher Pages > Testing > Benchmark Assessments)

  1. Select from the list of options to filter which students you would like to enter scores:
    • Staff, Course, Grade Level, School Year, School Track, Range

    • Course tab - If you teach a specific course you can select from Course drop-down and it will pull students in your specific course
  2. Select the Benchmark from the drop-down that you will be entering scores: Math, English, or Writing, etc.
  3. Click “Generate Report” to generate roster to enter scores
  4. Begin entering score information
    1. Test Date
    2. Select Score/Results from drop down menu
    3. Comments – enter per test score, if needed
    4. Save Results

  5. Once the results are saved a Trend line will be displayed. Hovering over the trend line will display score details. Also the scores will display graphically on the page.

  6. Use filters at the top of the page to filter roster by Results or Special Programs

  7. Click on the magnifying glass to collapse the scores details, default is expanded view

    Additionally, you can click the magnifying glass next to each test score to display any comments entered

  8. Test scores can be exported into a CSV or printed as a PDF

  9. On the roster screen click on the “English” tab or “Writing” tab to continue to add scores for specific subject areas. Click on “Select Students” tab to pull up another student roster for a specific class or teacher.

  10. Once Benchmarks scores have been entered for a student they will be displayed on the Student Dashboard under the Test Score History