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Student Grade Level Advancement

Looking for information on Mass Enrollment Rollovers and Matriculations? Click Here.

Manual Advancement

Student grade levels can be advanced manually by going into each student’s enrollment page

You must end the current enrollment with a state exit code of E490: Summer or Intersession exit. Then start a new enrollment with the new grade level and new date. The old enrollment can end the last day of school for the school year that just closed and be re-enrolled the next day. Any two dates can be chosen. It’s best to NOT leave a gap in student enrollment dates.

Ending old Enrollment

Create New Enrollment Record

If you would like to advance all students one grade level, (usually done at the end of the school year):

Go to Admin»Student Info»Mass Changes» Enrollment Rollovers and Grade Level Advancement

DO NOT advance students until any summer sessions are completed. For further help with this, please call School Pathways support at 866-200-6936!