Table of Contents

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Summer School Enrollment

The three steps to enrolling in summer school are:

  1. Have School Pathways help you enter your summer school calendar
  2. Set-up Summer School as a program in settings
  3. Enroll students into summer school

If you have any questions about these instructions, please don’t hesitate to call us at 866-200-6936

Have School Pathways help you enter your summer school calendar

If you send your summer school calendar to us, we’ll create this new calendar in a separate track so the regular school records will not mix with the summer school records

Set up Summer School as a program in settings

Enrolling students into summer school

As you enroll students into the program, you will be able to come back to this and get a list of the students by clicking on the name of the program. You can edit the information by clicking on EDIT

When teachers do a synch in ReportWriter, they will see track B in the student’s info page. The teacher must make sure to create the new master agreement for summer school in the new track.