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Creating/Updating Meetings for Synchronous Instructions

Zoom Meetings can be created for a Synchronous Instruction once you have link a valid Zoom account with the SIS.

Creating a new Zoom Meeting

  1. Go to the Synchronous Instructions & Live Interactions via Teachers → PLS/RW Oversight.
  2. Create or select a Synchronous Instruction and begin editing.
  3. Follow the regular steps for creating a Synchronous Instruction.
    1. Make sure that an end date has been specified. It is required when creating a Zoom Meeting as the meeting must know when to end since it will be made as a recurring meeting.
    2. The end date and time must be after the start date and time
  4. If you have linked a Zoom Account with the SIS an option will be available called “Create Zoom Meeting”. Select the checkbox and then save the Synchronous Instruction.

Note: Once the meeting has been created only the id of the meeting is stored. If you wish to interact with the Zoom Meeting in a way that is not offered here you must go to the official Zoom site and interact with as you normally would (e.g. starting a meeting). More functionality can be added later at School Pathways discretion.

Attaching an existing Zoom Meeting

  1. Follow the same process as creating a meeting up to step 3.
  2. If you have linked a Zoom Account with the SIS an option will be available called “Use Existing Meeting”. Select the button and the popup will update.
  3. You will be given a list of meetings pulled from Zoom that is not already known to the SIS. Select the desired meeting to use and you will be returned to the previous popup view.
    1. Next to the button you will see the name of the meeting selected.
  4. Save the Synchronous Instruction. Updates will be sent out for the Zoom Meeting to bring it in line with the information that is in the SIS.

Note: Similar to the create meeting note, only the Zoom Meeting id will be stored in the SIS.
Note: There is currently no logic for showing meetings that are still relevant from the current date (e.g. a meeting that has already ended).

Removing a Zoom Meeting

  1. Select the desired Synchronous Instruction and being editing.
  2. If the Synchronous Instruction has a Zoom Meeting attached you will see two notes at near the bottom of the form stating:
    Note: A zoom meeting is attached to this synchronous instruction
    Note: Make sure you have the necessary permissions to edit this zoom meeting
    1. You will see a checkbox below the notes saying “Remove Zoom Meeting”. Select the checkbox.
  3. Save the Synchronous Instruction.

Note: This will only remove the Zoom Meeting id associated with the Synchronous Instruction and will not delete the meeting itself. You may still view the meeting through Zoom's official site.

Removing a Synchronous Instruction

If you are attempting to delete a Synchronous Instruction and a Zoom Meeting is attached, the SIS will attempt to delete the Zoom Meeting. If you wish to only delete the Synchronous Instruction and not the Zoom Meeting then follow the steps for removing a Zoom Meeting from a Synchronous Instruction.
