====== Local Benchmarks Assessments ====== //The SIS supports schools in setting up and tracking their own Local Benchmarks which can then be prominently displayed on the Student Dashboard, along with other Test Scores.// ==== A. SET-UP (Admin > Test Module > Benchmark Settings) ==== - Additional Score/Results drop-down options * Add additional score options, if needed - Add/Edit Subtest Options * If there is an option you do not want to show, remove the check mark \\ {{ :products:admin:reports:benchmark_assessments1.png?nolink&300 |}} \\ ==== B. ENTER BENCHMARK SCORES (Teacher Pages > Testing > Benchmark Assessments) ==== - Select from the list of options to filter which students you would like to enter scores: * Staff, Course, Grade Level, School Year, School Track, Range \\ {{ :products:admin:reports:benchmark_assessments2.png?nolink&700 |}} \\ * Course tab - If you teach a specific course you can select from Course drop-down and it will pull students in your specific course - Select the Benchmark from the drop-down that you will be entering scores: Math, English, or Writing, etc. - Click “Generate Report” to generate roster to enter scores - Begin entering score information - Test Date - Select Score/Results from drop down menu - Comments – enter per test score, if needed - Save Results \\ {{ :products:admin:reports:benchmark_assessments3.png?nolink&700 |}} \\ - Once the results are saved a Trend line will be displayed. Hovering over the trend line will display score details. Also the scores will display graphically on the page. \\ {{ :products:admin:reports:benchmark_assessments4.png?nolink&700 |}} \\ - Use filters at the top of the page to filter roster by Results or Special Programs \\ {{ :products:admin:reports:benchmark_assessments5.png?nolink&700 |}} \\ - Click on the magnifying glass to collapse the scores details, default is expanded view \\ {{ :products:admin:reports:benchmark_assessments6.png?nolink&700 |}} \\ Additionally, you can click the magnifying glass next to each test score to display any comments entered \\ {{ :products:admin:reports:benchmark_assessments7.png?nolink&500 |}} \\ - Test scores can be exported into a CSV or printed as a PDF \\ {{ :products:admin:reports:benchmark_assessments8.png?nolink&400 |}} \\ - On the roster screen click on the **“English”** tab or **“Writing”** tab to continue to add scores for specific subject areas. Click on **“Select Students”** tab to pull up another student roster for a specific class or teacher. \\ {{ :products:admin:reports:benchmark_assessments9.png?nolink&400 |}} \\ - Once Benchmarks scores have been entered for a student they will be displayed on the Student Dashboard under the Test Score History \\ {{ :products:admin:reports:benchmark_assessments10.png?nolink&500 |}} \\