{{tag>admin student_records}}
**Disclaimer**: School Pathways is not responsible for any misuse of this loader feature. If you overwrite student data, you will need to contact us immediately for programmer assistance - the charge to correct errors completed by your staff is $150 per hour, and a statement of work will need to be signed prior to our programmers recovering your data.
**Important Notes:**
* **One** worksheet per loader table
* Files must be saved as a **.csv** before uploading
* Go to **Admin > Loader:** \\ {{:plsis:loader1.png?nolink&400|}} \\
* Choose Where are you loading from (typically External SIS) and the tableset you wish to load: \\ {{:plsis:loader2.png?nolink&500|}} \\
* Click on **1.Upload:** \\ {{:plsis:loader3.png?nolink&700|}} \\
* Click on "Choose File" to upload your .csv spreadsheet, Then click on "Upload Data Files". \\ {{:plsis:loader4.png?nolink&600|}} \\
* Match your column names to School Pathways field names (this can also be accessed by click on the 2. Identify Columns tab) \\ {{:plsis:loader5.png?nolink&700|}} \\
* When finished matching, click on **"Save Column Identifications"** \\ {{:plsis:loader6.png?nolink&400|}} \\
Any field in Red needs something corrected - click on the field name to access the errors: \\ {{:plsis:loader7.png?nolink&400|}} \\
If the map to value is a dropdown, you can click on "Guess List" to help identify field names quicker: \\ {{:plsis:loader8.png?nolink&700|}} \\
You can also type into the search box to the right of each map to name to find names: \\ {{:plsis:loader9.png?nolink&700|}} \\
When finished matching, click on "Save Value Mapping": \\ {{:plsis:loader10.png?nolink&700|}} \\
The bottom of the page (3. Map Values tab) will show you a summary of what you're mapping to: \\ {{:plsis:loader11.png?nolink&700|}} \\
When ready to load, choose one of the following:
- Load Table in Insert Mode (this is for brand new records only)
- Load Table in Update Mode (this is for updating records that are already in the system)
- Load Table in Mixed Mode (this is if you are loading a mix of updates and new data)
\\ {{ :plsis:loader12.png?nolink&600 |}} \\
Once the loader has completed, you can check your data in the SIS.
==== Overview of Loader Buttons: ====
\\ {{:plsis:loader13.png?nolink&700|}} \\
* **Download:** Click this to download your most recent load.
* **Finalize Import:** If you are loading the same exact data into another scope, you can use the Finalize Import area to pull your files and upload into the new scope.
* **Loader Tools:** **IMPORTANT** - when you click on any of the tools, they will automatically run. DO NOT use these unless you are absolutely certain you want to run them!