{{tag>pls independent_study admin}} ===== PLS Template Classes ===== \\ This Feature allows Admin staff to create classes/courses that can then be used to create individual classes for PLS students through mass enrollment. ==== I. Creating the Template Class ==== * Step 1. Teachers>PLS/RW Oversight>PLS Template Classes\\ {{plsis:plstemplateclass1.png?nolink&700|}} \\ * Step 2. Click the green plus to create a class. * Step 3. Search for a Course in the course catalog to link the class. * Step 4. Complete the fields marked with a red asterisk. * Step 5. If desired, choose a curriculum for the course. * Step 6. Make sure the transcript category at the bottom of the page is complete. \\ {{plsis:plstemplateclass2.png?nolink&700|}} \\ * Step 7. Click Save and Exit. ==== II. Enrolling Students into the PLS Template Class ==== \\ * Step 1. Go to Teachers>PLS/RW Oversight>PLS Template Classes * Step 2. To enroll new students or to add more students to the template class, Click on "Students in Template 0" * Step 3. Click on the green plus button to add students to the template. \\ {{plsis:plstemplateclass3.png?nolink&700|}} \\ -You can search for students by educational program, primary class offering, grade level, or teacher of record - or any combination of these options. \\ {{plsis:plstemplateclass4.png?nolink&700|}} \\ * Step 4. Check to the left of any student you wish to enroll in the PLS class then click register selected. \\ {{plsis:plstemplateclass5.png?nolink&700|}} \\ * Step 5. On the next page, the course you are enrolling students in will be checked in the list, click register. \\ {{plsis:plstemplateclass6.png?nolink&700|}} \\ {{plsis:plstemplateclass7.png?nolink&700|}} \\ * Step 6. Go to Teachers>PLS/RW Oversight>PLS Template Classes \\ -Students that are ready to be put into PLS classes are included now in the "Students in Template" \\ {{plsis:plstemplateclass8.png?nolink&700|}} \\ * Step 7. Check the box to include this class in the Master Agreement. * Step 8. Click Generate Classes. \\ -The students will now have the PLS classes available in the PLS/Student Roster.