{{tag>testing pft admin video webinar_wednesday pre_id}}
====== PFT Submissions Manual 2018-2019 ======
{{ :plsis:2017-03-15_14.03_pft__student_data_testing_template_creation.mp4?nolink&700 |}}
{{ :plsis:pft_submissions1.png?nolink&700 |}}
====Step #1====
* Create a “PFT 2018-19” folder on your desktop: \\ {{:plsis:pft_submissions2.png?nolink&200|}} \\
====Step #2====
* Next, go to www.pftdata.org. Look for “Resources” and click on the words **__“PFT Resources”__** \\ {{:plsis:pft_submissions3.png?nolink&400|}} \\ \\ \\
* Under **Data Submission** download the **__2018-19 Excel Template and Instructions__** file to the **PFT 2018-19** folder you made on your desktop. \\
* Note: This is a “zipped” file. Unzip it then save the Excel file to your folder, or drag the zipped file and drop it in the folder to open there. \\ \\ {{ :plsis:pft_submissions4.png?nolink&700 |}} \\
* Read the Instructions BEFORE creating the 2018-19 Excel Template detailed below.
====Step #3====
* Now, create a file from the SIS to put into your desktop PFT 2018-19 folder. In the SpSIS, follow this path: **__Admin>Test Module>PreID in Common Format__** \\ {{:plsis:pft_submissions5.png?nolink&600|}} \\ \\ \\
* On the Pre-Id page only complete numbers 1-3.
* #1 Pick **“Science CST Pre-ID”** from the dropdown list
* #2 **Enter the date** that your PFT testing starts
* #3 Check only grades **5, 7 & 9** \\ \\ {{:plsis:pft_submissions6.png?nolink&500|}} \\ \\
* Go to the bottom right-hand corner of the page and click the **Next** button.
* Choose to **“Download”** the resulting Txt file and save it to the **PFT 2018-19** folder on your desktop. \\ {{:plsis:pft_submissions7.png?nolink&700|}} \\
====Step #4====
* Now, go back to www.pftdata.org and login to the **District Portal**: \\ {{:plsis:pft_submissions8.png?nolink&600|}} \\ \\
* You will now be at the **Welcome** page of the PFT where you will click on **TEMPLATE GENERATOR** \\ {{:plsis:pft_submissions9.png?nolink&700|}} \\ \\
* Next, click on the **Template Data Generator (1 file version)** \\ {{:plsis:pft_submissions10.png?nolink&700|}} \\
* On the next screen: The **File Type** to choose from the drop-down is **Science CST Pre-Id (txt)**
* Now browse for the Pre-id text file from your **PFT 2018-19** folder on your Desktop and choose it. \\ {{:plsis:pft_submissions11.png?nolink&700|}} \\
* Now click the **Upload File** button to the San Joaquin County Office of Ed and wait for a return email.
* The email will say you are ready for the next step. \\ {{:plsis:pft_submissions12.png?nolink&600|}} \\
====Step #5====
* Sign into your **PFT District Portal** again and you will find the file from San Joaquin ready to be downloaded and save it to the **PFT 2018-19** folder on your Desktop. \\ {{:plsis:pft_submissions13.png?nolink&700|}} \\
* After saving the file, open the Excel doc in your **PFT 2018-19** folder. (This is the excel file that came from the PFT Resources in Step 2 above)
* Click to **“Enable editing”** (your worksheet may already be ready for this)
* On your spreadsheet, click on the **Data tab** then choose **From Text...** \\ \\ {{:plsis:pft_submissions14.png?nolink&700|}} \\
* Choose to import the ‘STAR’ file you just received from the PFT group (it is in your **PFT 2018-19** folder) \\ {{:plsis:pft_submissions15.png?nolink&600|}} \\
* Note that you will need to “tell” the importer which cell to begin with (see the RED cell indicated below) \\ {{:plsis:pft_submissions16.png?nolink&700|}} \\
* Choose that same cell on your Excel spreadsheet and then click “OK”.
* You have now filled in all **__Basic Student Demographics__**. (Note: Remember to populate column D (Charter School Code) all the way down the column. This info is not in the SpSIS.)
==== Preparing your Spreadsheet ====
* By highlighting and right-clicking you can “hide” cells you don’t need to work with.
* Keep cells **E, F & G (Grade, Student Last Name and Student First Name)**
* **Hide all other cells until you get to column AI** **(PFT Start Date Month)**
* Now click on the **View** tab to “freeze” panes by noting where you want to start the “freeze” (see below) \\ {{:plsis:pft_submissions17.png?nolink&700|}} \\
* You are now ready to fill in PFT Test Results for individual students. The **“Frozen Frames”** will make this job easy.
===== #6 Ready to enter Student Data Results in your Spreadsheet =====
You have just prepared the Student Data Template Spreadsheet for capturing each student’s PFT results. Be sure you refer back to the 2018-19 PFT Student Data Template Instructions (which were in the original zip file you downloaded) should you have any questions at all about how to enter your data!!
* When you are finished with testing, sign back into your District Portal and upload your results!