{{tag>admin}} ===== Creating New Programs ===== This article discusses creating new **__Educational Programs__**, which are different from Special Programs * Step 1. **Admin>> Settings>> Program Options** \\ The following screen shots give a visual representation of how to set up a program. *Step 2. Click Add \\ {{plsis:creatingnewprogram1.png?nolink&600|}} \\ *Step 3. Enter the name of the program- examples are Summer School, PreEnroll, Tutoring, after school. Program options should not be used for Special Program enrollments such as Special Education, 504, English Learner, or Free/Reduced Lunch programs. \\ {{plsis:creatingnewprogram2.png?nolink&600|}} \\ *Step 4. Click SAVE As you enroll students into program options, a tally of students appears. Also, a list will appear by clicking on the name of the program.