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====== CAASPP Student Score Reports (SSRs) Manual ======
// February 2019 //
==== Accessing SSRs in the SIS ====
* **How do schools access their SSRs in PLSIS?**
- Obtain your credentials from the TOMS system
- Enter credentials in the SIS at **Admin > Test Module > Test Module**
* Enter your User Name
* Enter the password. The password needs to be 20 characters long
* Click **Save** when the User Name and Password have been entered. \\ {{ :plsis:caasppssr1.png?nolink&600 |}} \\
* It will timestamp "Last Saved" saved change date
* The credentials will need to be updated every **90 days**. It will timestamp your last-saved changes
- There are two ways to access CAASPP Electronic Score Report PDFS:
* **Student Dashboard**
* Click on graph icon in Test Score panel and a pop-up will appear with links to available score files \\ {{ :plsis:caasppssr2.png?nolink&600 |}} \\
* **Student/Parent Portal via Test Results link**
* Click on relevant button to access score file \\ {{ :plsis:caasppssr3.png?nolink&600 |}} \\
==== Helpful Links/Reminders ====
* **How do I generate credentials for PLSIS?**
* See [[http://www.caaspp.org/administration/reporting/student-score-report-option-A.html|Establishing Credentials for Secure Transmission of SSRs]]
* **Reminder! Update Credentials**
* Important Note: To maintain security, credentials must be reset every three months to continue seamless distribution of SSRs. Email reminders will be sent two weeks, one week, three days, and one day prior to expiration the credentials. Credentials can be reset at any time to restart the 90-day (i.e., three-month) expiration.
* **Quick reference guides**
* [[http://www.caaspp.org/rsc/pdfs/TOMS.Generate-Credentials-QRG.2018-19.pdf|How to Generate Credentials for Student Information System Vendors]]
* [[http://www.caaspp.org/rsc/pdfs/TOMS.Regenerate-Credentials-QRG.2018-19.pdf|How to Regenerate Credentials for Student Information System Vendors]]