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products:admin:security:index [2016/11/09 21:00]
max added new screenshots; updated content
products:admin:security:index [2018/03/05 17:44] (current)
max ↷ Page moved and renamed from plsis:security_settings to products:admin:security:index
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 +{{tag>​admin admin_essential logins_and_security}}
 ===== Security Settings ===== ===== Security Settings =====
-//Please remember these important facts when working in the SIS. \\ \\ 
-The SIS currently enables two menu styles, Classic and Modern. These Manuals are constructed with the Modern Menu in mind. If using Classic, the locations of certain procedures may vary.// 
 ===Admin>>​Settings>>​ Security>​Security=== ===Admin>>​Settings>>​ Security>​Security===
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 ==== Detailed explanations of Areas B and E ==== ==== Detailed explanations of Areas B and E ====
 ===B: Define Security Groups === ===B: Define Security Groups ===
-Security groups are labeled with a common name that describes a user type. For example, the user group “Attendance Administrator” would be the person at the school who needs to access the areas of the SIS that have to do with attendance. There might be one or several people who “members” or belong to the same group. The group is already set with all the permissions required. As another example, for the group “Teachers-Classroom Instructors,​”all required permissions that a teacher would need to perform their basic duties are included in this group. All classroom teachers would need to be added to this group as “members” so they can do their job without interruption. ​+Security groups are labeled with a common name that describes a user type. For example, the user group “Attendance Administrator” would be the person at the school who needs to access the areas of the SIS that have to do with attendance. There might be one or several people who are “members” or belong to the same group. The group is already set with all the permissions required. As another example, for the group “Teachers-Classroom Instructors,​”all required permissions that a teacher would need to perform their basic duties are included in this group. All classroom teachers would need to be added to this group as “members” so they can do their job without interruption. ​
 \\ \\ \\ \\
-A "​default"​ security group is created by School PathwaysSchools cannot change these groups. You can only enroll members. //If a group is not set to your needs, you can create your own group by doing the following:// ​+A "​default"​ security group is created by School PathwaysSchools cannot change these groups. You can only enroll members. //If a group is not set to your needs, you can create your own group by doing the following:// ​
  • products/admin/security/index.1478725247.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2016/11/09 21:00
  • by max